Ben Zenker

Light It Up Blue 5K

October 2014 - January 2015

An RIT Sorority joined Autism Speaks for a philanthropic event supporting the Rochester New York Community.


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As a student of the Rochester Institute of Technology, Alpha Xi Delta asked me to help them promote this great event that supported a noble cause. It was a truly unique experience both when organizing a large group of individuals in a coordinated design (the sorority sisters), but also approaching groups of strangers during their walk and getting them excited about promoting the cause.


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When first approaching this animation, I thought the effect was created entirely in-camera, using a long aperture, or possibly even in software with a synthetic long-aperture or delay effect. I quickly realized this was not possible.

This animation involved a rough trace of the lines created by the glow stick, with some creative interpretation. I've also added an artificial glow to the letters to give them more presence in the physical environment.